# EOLJsonParser this project is meant to be a tool for the End Of Life unity project. It uses a JSON file to create Naninovel scripts. ## Input A json file containing scenarios generated by the [EndOfLife-StoryBuilder](https://labinfo.ing.he-arc.ch/gitlab/ticd/17ticd05/endoflife-storybuilder) C# project. ## Output A folder tree containing Naninovel scripts # Requirements - Install Python 0.10.8 - No tested for other versions. # Installation Create an environment ```bash python -m venv venv ``` Enter the environment ```bash venv/Scripts/activate ``` install packages Enter the environment ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Create your own .env file based on the existing .env.example file # Run run the following command ```bash python eol_json_parser.py ``` It's possible to add arguments - -i or --ifile" to specified the input json file - -o or --ofile to specify the name of the output folder - -t or --tree to only print the tree of scenarios - -s or --scores to compute the min and max scores for all scenes. The variables are written in the `variables.txt` file. If input file and/or output folder are not specified, the cript will take them from you .env file