- doc : Contains all the documentation that help to develop this app
- projects : Contains the two application of the receiver and transmitter device.
- : Resume the repository
- : Script bash to install the requirements in Debian (Zephyr, nRF Connect SDK, toolchains)
# Direction Finding in BLE
Direction finding in the 5.1 BLE stack is a practice for measuring the direction of arrival or departure of a signal. At a minimum, this practice requires two devices and an array of antennas. The latter makes it possible to create a phase difference within a signal which allows the receiver to determine the direction of the signal. Two modes were presented by Bluetooth, Angle of arrival or Angle of departure.
- Angle of arrival: Mode work in connection or connectionless. A transmitter transmits a signal and a receiver equipped with an antenna array will sample the signal. Using differents antenna will create a phase different in the signal.
- Departure angle:
Mode work in connection or connecionless. A transmitter equipped with an array of antennas transmits the signal and at the end of the BLE packet, it will change the transmitting antenna in order to create the phase difference.
This project implement a AoD application for the devboard nRf5340-dk. It's use Zephyr OS as the main operating system. The nRF Connect SDK from Nordic help us to developt this application.
# Installation
First, this little tutorial was made in a Debian OS. To begin, clone the repository on your machine :
1. git clone
Next, launch the "" script. This will install the nRF Connect SDK, Zephyr OS and the toolchain to cross-compile.
2. ./
Try the command "west". With some options, this will compile a ll the project and link all the file to create a image of the project.
3. west
If the command is not found, add it to your PATH and in your .zshrc or .bashrc :